General / FAQ / Release Notes

What is maximum distance to the flight? - PIX4Dcapture

There are two safety locks relying on the distance to the flight. They prevent the drone from starting the mission:

  • Between the center of the flight and the home point. The maximum distance is 150 meters.
  • Between the center of the flight and the current position of the drone. The maximum distance is 250 meters.

Distance between the center of the flight and the home point

The home point is actually where the drone is turned on and acquired the GPS signal the first time. This distance is mainly for security reasons, to prevent an accidental launch of a mission when the grid is too far away and it is also limited to prevent connectivity losses.

The limitation can be bypassed if needed:


  1. In the Home screen, tap Settings.
  2. In the Settings menu, go to the section Advanced.
  3. Check the box Enable advanced mode.


  1. In the Home screen, select a type of mission.
  2. On the toolbar of the Map view, tap the settings icon.
  3. Select the Advanced settings menu.
  4. For the option Ignore home point, select Yes.

Distance between the center of the flight and the current position of the drone

The current position is either on the ground or in the air hovering (e.g. the drone starts a second mission right after the first without coming back to the user). Like for the distance to the home point, this is a safety lock.

The limitation can be bypassed if needed: The pilot has to take off manually and fly the drone closer to the flight before tapping the green button to initiate the mission (in the takeoff checklist).