To uninstall PIX4Dreact software please follow these steps:
1. In the Windows Search, type Add or remove programs.
2. Scroll to find PIX4Dreact and click the application.
3. Click Uninstall.
4. On the path where PIX4Dreact was installed (default is C:\Program Files\PIX4Dreact), ensure this folder no longer exists. If it exists, DELETE this PIX4Dreact folder.
5. In the Windows Search, type RegEdit and search for the folder stored in the path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\pix4d\pix4dreact and ensure this folder no longer exists. If it exists, DELETE this PIX4Dreact folder.
6. Restart the computer.
7. Reinstall the latest version of the software:
Projects already processed will not be deleted by uninstalling PIX4Dreact and deleting the folders mentioned above.
To completely uninstall PIX4Dreact, delete:
1. The folder in "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\pix4d\pix4dreact". Deleting it can help with some crashings, but this will cause projects not to be imported anymore to PIX4Dreact.
2. Data storage folder: this is where the actual project files are stored. You can find it in Settings, Data storage folder.
1. Delete pix4dreact from the Applications folder.
2. Delete “com.pix4d.pix4dreact.plist” from the folder: Macintosh HD\Users\<username>\Library\Preferences\
3. Restart the computer.
4. Reinstall the latest version of the software:
Projects already processed will not be deleted by uninstalling PIX4Dreact and deleting the folders mentioned above.
To completely uninstall PIX4Dreact, delete:
1. The folder in "/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Pix4d/pix4dreact". Deleting it can help with some crashings, but this will cause that projects will not be imported anymore to PIX4Dreact.
2. Data storage folder: this is where the actual files are stored. You can find it in Settings, Data storage folder.