
Elevation data not found - PIX4Dcapture Pro

The drone is connected to PIX4Dcapture Pro while finding itself outside the offline maps boundary. Be sure that the Home Point is set up before attempting to fly. Connect the drone only when located within the offline maps boundary.


This error happens when following this procedure:

  • Create a mission and download the offline maps for that plan. The offline maps include the street & satellite imagery and the digital elevation model for the terrain awareness.
  • Connect the drone to PIX4Dcapture Pro while being outside of the offline maps boundary.
  • A message "Elevation data not found" appears and the Terrain Awareness function cannot be used.


This happens when the drone is connected to PIX4Dcapture Pro while finding itself outside the offline maps boundary. If the drone is located outside of the area where the digital elevation model has been downloaded, this error will appear as there is no elevation model for the drone's current location.


Be sure that the Home Point is set up before attempting to fly. Connect the drone only when located within the offline maps boundary.