Device deactivation - PIX4Dreact

Each PIX4Dreact license is linked to a PIX4D account. While a PIX4Dreact license can only run on one computer at a time, it is a floating license that allows you to log in on any number of computers.

When a license is already logged on a computer, and trying to log in on a different device, the license will not be selectable and a 1/1 will be displayed.
To use the PIX4Dreact license on a different device, you must first log out from device A before logging in on device B."

I have access to my device; how do I log out?

In order to log out from PIX4Dreact 

  1. Click Settings icon.
  2. Click Log Out.
  3. The free license can be used on any other device by logging in with the Pix4D account.

I don't have access to my device

If the computer is no longer available, access is restricted, or PIX4Dreact  was uninstalled, contact Pix4D Technical support to free up your seat.